Fourth Wall Films
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"A Night on the Town"

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"A Night on the Town" Empty "A Night on the Town"

Post  admin 6/2/2011, 8:38 pm



Director: Robert Bojorquez

Assistant Director: Kyle Wavra

Cinematographer: Nick Nielsen TENTATIVELY

Lighting: Alyssa Piraino

Sound: Sean Leonard TENTATIVELY

Production Assistant (PA):


Boy Barista: Galen Van Horn

GIrl Barista: Ally McBride

Bro 1:

Bro 2:

Puking Guy:

Birthday Girl: Margaret Farlin

Drunk Man: Gavin Foltz

Drunk Pick-Up Customer:

Customer 1 (No Lines): Jacob Foltz

Customer 2 (Rude):

Customer 3:

Customer 4: Riley Adamson

Female Customer 1:

Female Customer 2:

The Script:

commitment is low: there is only ONE SHOOT on MAY 14th, CREW at 4:30, CAST at 5:30.

also we need about 20-25 extras to sit and hang out in a coffee shop/rush and mob the counter. (while you're sitting you can do anything you would otherwise do in a coffee shop!)[b]


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-06-02

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